Thursday, June 18, 2009


You gotta run….
Escape from the person this world wants u to become….

Brokenhearted angles are counting their days….
Every friend is my competitor, I don’t wanna play…

Each souvenir of success smells of umpteen charred ambitions and unfulfilled expectations…
Smothering relations and entangled love stories waiting for fatal revelations….

Faith being marketed, souls are on sale….
Bloodbath of humanity reduced to frivolous columns on newspapers page…

Love and its expression is impertinence to our grandiloquent culture….
Beauty is judged on basis of skin color instead of deeds and nature…

Women are treated as objects of pleasure and respected only as idols of clay…
Beheading of innocent “kaffirs” justified to achieve nirvana on dooms day…

Religions are illusory, promiscuous priests are preaching celibacy…
There has to be some destructive plan for this contingency..

If u are obdurate enough to see all this and stay sane u can stay…
I’m tired lying to myself, just want to break free and run away….

Run so fast that my shadows can’t keep up the pace…
Chase my dreams, rediscover smile and reinvent innocence….

(Run forest!!!.....RUN!!)


  1. Very well said bro!
    Pure bliss is Innocence...No more No less..!
    Reiventing innocence is what we should all strive for in order to be truly happy.
    Beautiful thought! :)

  2. That was too bitter to read...! harsh, sharp....but truth..!
