Tuesday, July 21, 2009

An Emotional Enigma....


Love is the one of the most commonly used word of English language on which everyone could deliver a whopping lecture based on his own set of experiences and perceptions. All the human efforts directed towards solving this enigma had resulted in more confusion and lack of understanding. And love in itself means total absence of logic and rules. The rules and laws of it can only be understood by baptizing in pool of it…and for that too u have to wait for ur chance because the leap cannot be voluntary (make sure u dive essentially with ur partner… lone divers are drowned easily!!!  )

To love a person is to start a relation that would last forever, defying all the bonds of differences, practicality, mortality and worldly rulebook. It’s to make someone feel special like no one had ever felt before. It’s to make urself vulnerable as a baby and give your loved one absolute authority and power to hurt you, hoping that she would never exercise it. It’s to try & act yourself as far as it could go and leave nothing precarious. It’s most selfless of all relation as sometimes it demands nothing, not even possession. It makes u walk past your ego and comfort zones. It’s to express your feelings, your love through every gesture u make, every act u do, to leave nothing unsaid and unheard. It’s to accept shortcomings as they are and to respect individuality. Its like utter innocence of nature which is the prime force of creation or it can be like its fury which spells doom and destroys every thing in vicinity.

Love demands a great care and devotion. Its fully based on pillars of trust and harmony. Relation of love can be the most strong and delicate at the same time. Its as pure as the feeling which occurs when a stranger thanks u for your help or a cherubic girl lends u her helping hand and says” Itna toh chalta hai….” when u thank her.

I don’t get over things, people especially. I always remember the moments spent, smiles shared together. I don’t carry grudges or hard feelings. I believe that an individual’s actions are consequence of complex mixture of circumstances, chance, prospects, liabilities, responsibilities and character of a person. So, if anybody who was special for me for one single moment will remain the same forever irrespective of his/her deeds.
Whatever be the case its very hard to forget your first love. She remains special and owns a soft corner on your heart. How can u forget a girl whose sight made u weak at knees, lose ur rational mind, do the most stupid things in the circumstances and just feel great. It was because of her you, probably for the first time paid attention to your looks. Without whom all those songs would not have sounded so melodious, so melancholic. A girl who (rather whose absence) changed your vantage point to everything, joy and pain included.
The priorities of your life could change and they definitely will. You may no longer need her…. but you’ll always want her. Her absence may not bother u any longer…. but a part of u will always believe that things would really had been different rather beatific had she been around. She may stop intruding your thoughts…. but u will always stop for a while and notice whenever her name is called out. You might have abandoned her entry in your dreams….. but you can’t help remembering that face every time the word “girl” rings in your mind. You might not have any regrets… but expectations will never fade away.
The person who says that he had never experienced the feeling is lying blatantly. Once in your life your eyes meet someone’s and your whole world freezes in reverence of the event. If u are lucky enough to get that girl’s love consider urself to be the most fortunate ass in da world and if u don’t u’ll have sweet hope of repeating such encounter, wait for a girl to again stop the world and make it go round for u…..just like the hope that rests in my heart….