Friday, May 29, 2009

No Pain.....No Gain!!!

Struggle and life are synonymous to each other. Human life is full of events, events that either result in happiness or despair, it’s full of up and downs. It’s human to buckle under the pressure of life, to admit defeat in front in adversities. But one always offers a fight before admitting his defeat. Struggle makes a person stronger and tough. Suffering proves to be a blessing for a man who can face it bravely as it unbottels a huge pool of talent and strength. We never know how strong we are until being strong is the only choice left.

And, its sometime great luxury to know that you are fighting one to one with nature, destiny and system, that you are all by yourself and the onus of saving your ass lies to yourself. Sometimes it’s wonderful to know that you are swimming against the flow or standing alone for a cause. Suffering is also caused when your thoughts and action are not in accordance with the system. You are either above or below the normal level, larger the difference more is the struggle. It’s like you either collide with slow moving-ongoing traffic or are hit by a over speeding truck. In both cases it’s you who ends up with bruised knees and ankles!!

When we witness someone undergoing a tragedy, our fears grow and worries grow even bigger than the suffers’ because he’s either busy in fighting or in damage control. He’s too busy to think, he cannot because for him each moment is momentous, his each cerebral movement is directed towards his own rescue and he cannot risk losing battle pitying on his situation or brooding over the circumstances. But we on the other hand think of the complexities of the situation and its repercussions, extrapolate the events and imagine ourselves in that situation. In doing so we often forget the adjustable human nature, its ability to derive happiness in any condition and its irrevocable and clandestine belief in ‘the survival of the fittest’. It is the hostility of nature that initiates evolution. Every change comes with a pain. Time and pain are the greatest teachers.

For all the technological advances and spiritual glory we cannot control our fate, what we can control is the way we respond and act when adversities are bestowed upon us.

“What’s life without a little chaos( or Royal Challenge!!)”

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ignorance is bliss!!!

“Knowledge is end to all fears”------really???!!

Ever seen a child smiling?? He smiles as if there is no pain, evil or treachery around him. As he grows up and gains experience acquaints him with worldly malpractices, laws, regulations etc. his reasons to smile shrink dramatically. He discovers that he have to compete with a mass and prove himself every time he wants to achieve something.

There is a story of a king who started the search for the happiest man in his kingdom. A poor shepherd was awarded that honor. why?? why was a person with bare minimum possession so happy? A possible reason behind it could be the absence of responsibilities. Lack of responsibilities breeds blatant freedom. Freedom is the most indispensable reason for joy. If u strive for power, status and possession, they all come wrapped with immense and myriad responsibilities to bind u. Innumerous duties have to be fulfilled in order to maintain them. Man runs after these things for achieving satisfaction and happiness and ends up losing a major part of it.

So, how could we experience the purest form of happiness, utter joy, and sheer pleasure? One of the most common ways is to live in complete negligence. But today, where your even one wrong step can cost you your future this doesn’t seems a good option. Otherwise one day you’ll wake up to fin your life in ramshackle.

Second is to become a passive part of system and do not interfere wid the way it works. Always wear a mask which shields u from others. Be corrupt, be criminal, be every thing that system demands from u. Become “Hypocrite” in real sense. This way you’ll end up losing yourself and nobody will ever remember your deeds.

The most ultimate one is to baptize in the pool of knowledge. To detach yourself from everything. Reduce your expectation to absolute zero. Work without emotions, fears and worries of ramifications. To drop the difference between comfort & pain, smile & tears, gain & loss. To consider your self part of circus where God plays slapstick comedy with you. To consider yourself worst man on earth who deserves punishment every moment. Try challenging fate and destiny. Make your self strong enough to face world barehanded, to the point where luck and other people’s verdict doesn’t matter anymore. Point out the shortcomings of system and try to swim against the flow. This way is the most difficult of the lot but most appropriate, effective and right.

If u follow this nothing would be left to brood upon. And absence of sadness and confusion leads to sheer pleasure…..

As Naveen wrote on the walls of our room

“Do not take life too seriously,

You are not going to come out of it alive!!!”

PS: Did I forget to mention alcohol......oops!!!